In 2018, the average American spent over $11,000 on healthcare expenses. It is expected that in 2023, that number will jump to almost $15,000! The average salary in America is $59,039. That means that almost a quarter of your salary is going straight to your healthcare every year. Take a moment to let that sink in. Is that a sustainable way to live? Our answer is no, but what if we could tell you we know the secret of using your healthcare to build up your wealth?
We are not talking about building wealth through finance and accounting strategies, we’re talking about building wealth through energy! There is a difference between using your healthcare dollars to get healthy and using them to get wealthy. You can’t do both; you can only use your money in one way. So, if you are using your money to get healthy, that is great, but wouldn’t it be even better to already be healthy and put that extra money towards getting wealthy? Ultimately, that is what we are striving to do. Let’s break this down.
Our health is like a bank account.
The more money you have in your bank account, the more money you have to do whatever you want with. The less money you have in your account, the more of it that has to go to your overhead like rent, groceries, and utilities. The more you have to spend toward your cost of living, the less you have to do whatever you want.
The same thing goes for your health.
A good way to think about health is through energy production. You have a set amount of energy that your body produces and uses in a day. However, just like with the cost of living from the example above, some of that energy automatically has to go to baseline tasks to keep your body running such as your thought process, operating your heart, or healing and repairing your body from daily use. If you are using X amount of energy for the basic tasks, then you will not have much left over for doing things you want to do. This could be playing with grandchildren, hiking mountains, or gardening. The more energy you have to start with, the more excess energy you will have left over after all of those baseline processes, which in turn allows you more opportunities to do the things you like to do.
The goal is to build up your energy reserves, and as you do that, you have extra energy for your life. You don’t want to be spending too much energy on baseline tasks that leave you drained and exhausted for the next day. Just like you don’t want to spend too much money on overhead so you can have more to do whatever you please with.
If you are not healthy and are not building enough energy, your health is going to reflect that. If you are using your energy to run your thought process but then don’t have extra energy in the bank, then your thought process will decrease. That sequence continues with other systems in your body. So, if you have enough for your thought process but not enough to run the heart, your immune system will start to shut down.
The more things your body can complete the better your health is going to be.
The more you can do now to improve your health and give your body the energy it needs to take care of itself, the less waste there is. You have to put your body in a position where it can succeed. Once you do that, your health and your wealth are going to go together, because once you are healthy you don’t have to waste all of your money trying to get healthy; you are already there.
If you have questions on how to enrich yourself through healthcare and need tips on getting more energy in your bank, give us a call at 402-873-6999.